Q.If certificate of class is going to expire in 3 days, can the ship sail today?

Answer 8 Answers
Enrico Mercado

Company's Superintendent will request from Class to issue a new certificate as soon as possible, but if it is time permitted or the certificate cannot be made, oic from your company will request for an extension. I hope this advice works.

Aung Tun

we can't sailing long voyage.if we can sail to today nearest port it is ok. Better than no more than 3 days.it is for safety.Must be informed to company.

Waiyan Maungmaung

Solas Chapter 1 Regulation 14,if certificate expires at sea,administration may extend up to 1month for short voyage and 3 months for long voyage to survey port.so in this case,inform class,flag state,superintendent.

Shahidul Islam

Shahidul Islam

Mar 24, 2020

It about solas cert. Not class cert.

Jasim Alabri

Yes , all certificat has windo for 3 months extension before and after date of expiring.

Jasim Alabri

Yes , all certificat has windo for 3 months extension before and after date of expiring.

Satyajit Dilip

This is the most impratical question asked normally by surveyors/ Professors who have not sailed in the recent times. Pratically before the vessel makes a port call, she is required to send a list of vessel's certificates to the port authority before berthing clearence is given. Normally ports will not allow vessel's to berth if there are any certiciates expiring and renewal survey has not been arranged. Also Class will send Quarterly status reports to vessel's MSI. the certificates have a +/- 3 months window period on the expiry date so that gives flexibility for the MSI to arrange for a renewal survey. For any genuine reason like unfavourable ports during this window period the MSI could not arrange , then Flag can give dispensation, provided evidence and a time frame is given. Flag will not so easily give dispensation just by raising a request.