Seafarer's Question Answers

    Posters on the bridge should be kept to minimum so that it will serve its purpose. Overload of posters on the bridge just tend to be ignored by officers giving them the wrong idea of information overload. You can start reviewing your bridge procedure manual and find what are the company standard posters that is required to be posted. Typically, it starts with posterized company bridge proced...

    That depend on the Class of the vessel. Each class have in their website the Rules of Class. Generally, this rules are divided in Parts (Books - Hull Structure, Hull Equipment, Machinery, Electrical, Fire Fighting, Etc.) which will have Rules (Mandatory) and Guidance. Each Part will have several Chapters with the requirements in each area of the vessel and equipments to maintain. Normally, Part 1 ...

    Q: "What is the meaning of 'Inherent stability problem for the ship'?" A: Any factor or capacity which causes the vessel to be "out of trim", contributing to a sustained center-of-gravity displacement for the ideal/design (adversely affecting the righting-moment). These factors/capacities can include, but is not limited to: - Fuel and Ballast tank sizes and inter...

    You say it is a chemical tanker and figures was obtained by draft survey? Actually, chemical tankers figures are obtained by proper cargo calculation using tank volume figures, cargo density and actual temperature with application of correction factors. Given the final figure have an apparent discrepancy of -20 at LP and -18 at DP the best approach for the Master is to present a letter of protest ...

    Satyajit Dilip
    Satyajit Dilip Chief Officer

    There was a vessel detention by AMSA recently becoz the cooling water for the RB engine was not functional. The vessel's critical list showed it carried a spare part for the cooling water parts, but was not traced on board.  Obligation to carry spare parts for critical equipments onboard is mentioned in the company SMS. It is upto the vessel's staff to identify which equipments are c...

    Manuel DelFierro
    Manuel DelFierro Third Officer

    COLREG did not explicitly say the number of nautical miles to be considered restricted visibility. As per COLREG definition, restricted visbility means any condition in which visibility is restricted by fog, mist, falling snow, heavy rainstorms, sandstorms or any other similar causes. Normally, company navigation procedures and Master's standing orders states info...

    Ali Ergin
    Ali Ergin Third Officer

    All lifeboats except free-fall lifeboats shall be provided with at least one drain valve fitted near the lowest point in the hull, which shall automatically open to drain water from the hull when the lifeboat is not waterborne and shall automatically close to prevent entry of water when the lifeboat is waterborne. Each drain valve shall be provided with a cap or plug to close the valve, which shal...

    Greg Foster-James
    Greg Foster-James Chief Officer

    The terms "Good time" and "Ample time" in my opinion, are used within the COLREG's to allow officers and masters room to apply good seamanship. It would be very difficult to define a term to suit all vessel. For a large cargo ship the OOW of the give way vessel my choose to make an alteration at 12 miles to maintain a set minimum CPA required by the masters standing orders....

    Ali Ergin
    Ali Ergin Third Officer

    Objective of being a safety officer should be more than checking safety equipments and keeping  them constant state of readiness all the time.Safety officer is also responsible for training of crew regarding safety operations, situational awarenesses, personel safety etc.These task can be improved by helding safety meeting, before operation briefing and implementing ISM code on board with the...

    Dan Clarin
    Dan Clarin Fitters, Oilers

    Fire may start anywhere inside the engine room where more specially combustible materials  are to be found.Even workshops are fitted with fire detectors and placed with EEBD for emergency.It is best to follow good working habits to avoid unexpcted  fires .Observed proper storage of chemicals,combustible materials  and other electrical tools where welding takes place and other hot wo...

    Greg Foster-James
    Greg Foster-James Chief Officer

    Check chart for navigational hazards and dragging room, check you have not picked up a cable? Is the bottom rocky? If the prevailing conditions are not favourable then walk back anchor and wait for conditions to improve. If the anchor is still not coming. We are going to use the other winless, a mooring line/ wire rope and shackle to take the additional weight of the working windless. Firstly we...

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