Q.Is there any drain plug in freefall lifeboat?

Answer 4 Answers
Ali Ergin

All lifeboats except free-fall lifeboats shall be provided with at least one drain valve fitted near the lowest point in the hull, which shall automatically open to drain water from the hull when the lifeboat is not waterborne and shall automatically close to prevent entry of water when the lifeboat is waterborne. Each drain valve shall be provided with a cap or plug to close the valve, which shall be attached to the lifeboat by a lanyard, a chain, or other suitable means. Drain valves shall be readily accessible from inside the lifeboat and their position shall be clearly indicated.

Besides, freefall lifeboats are equipped with manual bilge pump to discharge accumulated bilge water from inside to outside via outlet plug.This system also works as a drainage system.


Manoj Kumar

Manoj Kumar

Jun 6, 2023

Test one..