
If you have the experience of dry-docking of a ship, you would agree that dry docking is a great experience.

I personally love to be on a ship due for dry dock. After all, you get to see things that you don’t see during the routine operation of the ship.

I was lucky enough to get a chance to be in dry dock in each rank I have served on. I was even lucky to experience the double-hull conversion of a tanker during dry dock.

But if you have not been to a dry dock, there would be one thing that might come to your mind on hearing the word Dry Dock. And that is dry dock calculation that we read in ship stability, probably during our Mate’s exams.

That’s purely the theory part. And I believe theory without practical experience is just a theory.

So here I am going to write about the practical aspect of taking a ship to dry dock.

But before I proceed, in layman’s terms I will summarize what we had read about dry docking in ship stability.

We read and understood these things

  • The time from “when Stern touches the blocks” to when “full ship is on the blocks” is the critical period.
  • During the critical period, the vessel’s GM reduces. This is because the vessel’s ‘Gravitational center G moves upwards when Stern touches the blocks.
  • It is required and a good practice to have the least trim while docking so that the critical time is minimal.

Preparing for Dry Dock

Well, I am not going to the company-specific parts of dry docking, like preparing repair specifications.

I will specifically be talking about taking the ship into the dock and making it sit on the blocks.

And then, of course, bringing the ship out of the dry dock.

Days before the planned dry dock, Dockmaster will make the first contact with the ship. He can do so either directly or through the company representative such as superintendent.

The dockmaster has a huge responsibility for calculating the stresses on the dock as well as the ship’s structure. Any miscalculation can lead to serious accidents resulting in huge damages. These damages can be to the ship as well as dock itself.

The dockmaster is trained for block arrangement and stability during dry-docking. For all these calculations, the dockmaster needs certain information from the ship. Among other things, he will ask for

  • a copy of Vessel’s Docking plan
  • Arrival Stability condition-docking condition
  • Pre-docking condition

Some of the content of his email might look something like this

First email from dock master before dry docking

From the docking plan, dock master wants to know

1) Hull structure so that he can arrange the blocks to support the ship’s hull.

2) locations of transducers for log and echo sounders so that these do not come beneath the blocks.

3) Location of sea chests and drain plugs for the same reason.

Based on the docking plan provided by the ship, the dock master prepares his own docking plan for the ship. Below are some of the sections of the actual docking plan prepared by dockmaster for s ship arriving for dry dock.

Plan view of docking plan made by dock master

As you can see, the dock master has planned which blocks he needs to remove and where he needs to put blocks. He also has specifically marked the location of echo sounder and speed log.

Have a look at the closer view below, which is again from the same docking plan prepared by dock master.

Bow Longitudinal View Docking plan

I think the above image makes it more clear about what dockmaster is trying to achieve from the docking plan. If you want to see the stern view too. Here is it.

Stern Lonitudinal view Docking plan

And this is no theory. This is an actual docking plan prepared by the dockmaster for a ship arriving at dry dock.

I know I am kind of repeating myself but I can’t say it enough. That is because I get excited to see real things than just theory.

Stability condition and weight distribution

Apart from the docking plan, the dock master would ask the arrival weight distribution of the ship.

There can be up to 4 stages for which stability calculations are required. These stages are

  • Arrival Drydocking port
  • Pre-docking condition
  • Ship sitting on the blocks but dock not yet empty (also called wet condition by dockmaster)
  • Ship on the blocks and dock empty (called Dry condition by docking master

Let’s discuss each of this condition

Arrival Drydocking port

On arrival dry docking port, you need to have the least possible ballast. By least possible I mean, the propeller should be immersed. And also you should be complying with all stability requirements.

Pre-docking stability condition

So we know that we cannot arrive with zero ballast as our propeller needs to be immersed and the ship needs to be stable.

But what is the logic behind having the other three conditions? Why can’t we just remove all the ballast and go inside the dock?

Let’s understand the logic behind these conditions

Docking with zero ballast is the ideal condition. But most of the time this would not be possible. That is because a docking master would limit you for the maximum trim that you can have. In zero ballast condition, your trim may be more than 2 meters.

Dockmaster would want you to reduce the trim to around 0.5 meters. This depends on the dock on how much trim you can have before docking.

We have already discussed the reason for the need for the least trim while docking. This is to have the least critical period. More trim we have more will be the time required to bring the vessel from stern on the block to full ship on the block. And this is the critical period with the least GM value. We do not want to have the ship in a critical period for a longer time.

Most of the ships will have considerable stern trim in lightweight condition. So most ships will need to have some ballast forward in Pre-docking condition.

The amount of ballast would depend on how much trim dockmaster has advised you to have.

Stability condition while the ship on blocks but dock not empty

When the ship is on the blocks, you have already passed the critical period. Dockmaster will tell you to start deballasting. The only concern dock master will have is the ship should not refloat.

The ship can refloat if dock deballasting cannot compensate for the decrease in the draft because of deballasting.

The condition is monitored by the dockmaster and he would tell you how much ballast you can remove in this condition.

But the question is why the dockmaster need the vessel to remove the ballast concurrently when he empties the dock?

This is because dock water does not want to have more weight on the blocks. When the ship is sitting on the blocks but has water inside the dock, there is a certain amount of buoyancy ship has. This buoyancy acts like upthrust which reduces the effective weight acting on the blocks.

This condition will be discussed by the dockmaster and he will advise when and how much ballast you can remove.

As I said earlier, the dock master bases his calculations on not to allow the ship to refloat.

Ship on the blocks and dock empty

When the ship is on the blocks and there is no danger of ship re-floating, dock master will tell to take out all ballast.

Dock masters sometimes call this condition as the Dry condition.

A Complete guide of taking a ship to dry dock

Procedures for taking the ship to dry dock

Now that we know about the stability part, let’s look into each stage of taking the ship to the dry dock.

Arrival to the dry-docking port

As I mentioned, you would arrive with the least ballast. That would be arrival dry docking port condition. Even though the ship will be complying with draft and stability requirements, but the ship will be light. Lighter than usual ballast condition. So before you arrive at this condition, it is important to scan the weather reports. You would not want to arrive in a light condition if the weather prediction is rough.

Most of the time, the ship is taken to the lay-up berth before going into the dry dock. If not, the vessel needs to be at anchor for deballasting to arrive at the Pre-docking condition.

While at anchor, dock safety inspector will board the vessel. He will do the gas check of all the compartments to make sure that the vessel is gas-free. He will then issue a gas-free certificate. He will also give safety booklets of the dock which will have all the safety regulations of the dock.

Docking of the vessel

The vessel will dock when it has achieved the pre-docking condition. In this condition, the vessel will have the least ballast to achieve the required trim.

Before docking, the dock master will board the vessel. He will discuss the docking procedures with the master and chief officer. He will give the mooring arrangement plan while docking. He will specify Panama leads from where the moorings will be passed.

Apart from this, he will also discuss the ballast condition at each stage.

For shifting to the dock, the pilot will board the vessel. As the ship’s engine will not be available, the ship will have a number of tugs to move the ship to dry dock. The number of tugs would depend on how big the ship is and how powerful the tugs are. In any case, all ships can expect 5 tugs or more.

Out of these 5 tugs usually, 2 will only be assisting for pushing. Different docks can have different arrangements for making fast the tugs. It will all depend upon the location, tidal current, and local factors.

One of such arrangement can be two tugs made fast forward, one made fast aft and two tugs standby. The one tug made fast aft will have one line on each side of the poop deck to have better control in handling the ship.

Depending upon the dock, the ship will either enter stern in or bow in.

The pilot will bring the ship to parallel to the dock. When the stern (or bow whichever is entering first) is close to the dock knuckle, the docking master will take over from the pilot. Docking Master is different from dock master. Docking Master may not board the vessel and will be giving instructions to the tugs from the dock itself.

When the ship is inside the dock, the ship’s crew needs to pass the mooring lines as per the agreed mooring arrangement. Usually forward and aft will have two lines on each side. Out of two lines on each side, one on each side can be a shoreline. But this can be different and mooring arrangements will be advised by the dockmaster.

When the ship is made fast with the moorings, docking master will sign off and dock master will take over.

The vessel on the blocks

Before the dockmaster starts to remove dock water, a diver will make an underwater inspection. The diver will ensure that echo sounder and log sensors are clear and not sitting under the blocks. He will also ensure physically that the vessel’s centerline is in line with the blocks. It is a good practice to switch off the echo sounder and speed log now.

After the diver has made his inspection, the dockmaster will start pumping out dock water.

Dockmaster will let the vessel know when Stern has touched the blocks and when the ship is on the blocks.

After the ship is on the blocks, the dockmaster will tell to start pumping out the ballast to arrive at the wet condition.

As the dock water is being pumped out, at one point the water will go down from the generator cooling water sea chest.

After this point ship will get power supply from shore.

A shore electrician will board the ship (Through basket and shore crane) and make arrangements to connect the shore power. Ship’s Electrician should coordinate with him to have the shore power connected.

You should check if shore power will be enough for running the ballast pump and mooring winches. If not, this should be discussed with the dockmaster in advance. He will then ensure that the water level does not go below sea chest until you have pumped out the required ballast.

Once on shore power, dock master would continue to dry the dock. He will tell you to take out all the ballast accordingly. You may do so with gravity as the same might be more effective.

Once the dock is dry and ship sitting on the blocks, you can line up to deballast all ballast tanks by gravity. This is to let all the water drain whatever is left in the ballast tanks.

So now you have already brought the ship to the dry dock. It is a wonderful view to see the ship out of the water. You should not wait to go down in the dock and have a look at her.

Removing the Drain plugs

The Ship repair manager will now request the chief officer to witness the removal of the bottom plugs.

As you know, each tank which forms part of the hull has a bottom plug to drain the water in dry dock.

Removing bottom plugs ensure that the tanks are empty and dry. As the bottom plug of each tank is removed, it is important to label it. This will ensure that bottom plugs are not interchanged while fitting back.

Though plugs of all the ballast tanks are of the same size, it is best practice to fit back plugs which belong to each tank.

If you wish to experience how we remove the bottom plugs, watch this video.

Departure from Dry Dock

After a few hectic days in dry dock, it would be time to leave dry dock. We need to be equally attentive in leaving the dry dock as we were while coming into the dry dock.

Before dock master floods the dry dock, all the underwater things need to be in order. This includes sea chests, ICCP system, echo sounder sensors, log sensors, and drain plugs.

Echo sounder, log and drain plugs are tested for air and water tightness. Testing involves first putting soap solution around the drain plug. Then we create the vacuum around the drain plug and look for any bubbles.

If you have never experienced this testing before, here is a video of the testing the drain plug.

After all these integrity tests are complete, it is time to leave the dry dock.

The best approach of leaving the dry dock is to follow exactly how the ship came into the dry dock.

It would involve

  1. Filling the ballast to bring the ship to wet condition.
  2. passing the lines as was in the arrival condition
  3. Flooding the dock
  4. Filling the ballast to pre-dry dock condition
  5. Flooding the dock up to the level where the ship is fully afloat.
  6. Disconnecting the shore supply and taking ship’s generators on load
  7. Taking the ship out of the dock with the help of tugs.

Finally to summarize the process of bringing a ship to the dry dock,  here is an Infographic

Infographic: Taking a ship to dry dock


Drydocking is a great experience for those who do not want to stop learning. The special thing about dry docking is that there are plenty of things that a seafarer can learn each time he attends a dry dock.

While it might seem to be a difficult process but if we view the whole process logically, it would seem a routine.

If you are going to a dry dock, Enjoy the learning process. And let me know in the comments below if there was anything that should form a part of this guide.

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Capt Rajeev Jassal

About Capt Rajeev Jassal

Capt. Rajeev Jassal has sailed for over 24 years mainly on crude oil, product and chemical tankers. He holds MBA in shipping & Logistics degree from London. He has done extensive research on quantitatively measuring Safety culture onboard and safety climate ashore which he believes is the most important element for safer shipping.

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8 years before

A wonderful explanation Sir , though I haven't got a chance to be at drydock , but I could Imagine the process .. Thanks.

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
8 years before

Glad that you liked it Jayraj

Anooj pradhan
Anooj pradhan
8 years before

Excellent explanation sir

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
7 years before

Glad you liked it Anooj..

5 years before

Very informative. I now have an good understanding of what can be expected when it comes to Dry Docking.

4 years before

hello hello sir if you just tell me the safety precaution that take place after entering the dry dock i will be grateful

8 years before

Loved your web blog and its excellent.

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
8 years before

Glad that you liked it Rag..

8 years before

Very informative and useful.

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
8 years before

Glad you found it useful Lokesh..

8 years before

Although the principal of testing a bottom plug is the same, the video above is actually a vacuum test to ensure that a transducer head (most likely an Echo Sounder) is properly sealed.

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
8 years before

You are absolutely right John.

Sanjay Waghmode
Sanjay Waghmode
8 years before

Awesome sir, i found it very much useful during drydock of NCC ABHA. It was my first drydock.

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
8 years before

Glad you found it useful Sanjay. I hope the dry dock of ABHA went all well...

8 years before

Excellent explanation sir.

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
8 years before

Glad you liked it Amin..

ankit vyas
ankit vyas
8 years before

sir pl post article about legal requirement during dry dock for chief mate candidates this blog is really helpful for orals

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
8 years before

I will include that in one of the future blogs Ankit..

VS Ramamurthy
VS Ramamurthy
8 years before

Dear Rajeev Sir: I was surfing through for Keel Blocks and types of keel blocks for dry docking, and stepped over your blog. Its amazing to know the facts, and its the same even with us in dockyard. I have been lucky to see a ship docking and undocking. Can you share some of details on keel blocks, it would be a great help to me. Regards, Ramamurthy, Visakhapatnam, India

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
7 years before

Glad you found it useful Ramamurthy. I have one post on ship structures. Hope that could be of some help.

8 years before

very informative and great article for orals prep !

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
8 years before

Glad you liked it Abhimanyu..

8 years before

that is good share for one

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
8 years before


8 years before

very informative article sir..helped a lot

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
8 years before

Glad you liked it Jaison,,

Mohammed Alhassan
Mohammed Alhassan
8 years before

A very good and concise explanation especially for crew going to dock for the first time.

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
8 years before

Thanks Mohammed..

Swapnil Ogale
Swapnil Ogale
7 years before

Thank You very much sir for this wonderful article. Immensely helped me while answering my mates orals. Had never been to a drydock but could visualize perfectly.

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
7 years before

Glad that it could be some help to you Swapnil..

Abhishek Kumar
Abhishek Kumar
7 years before

Thanks a ton for the article sir.Can you tell me the name of the instrument which does vacuum test of bottom plug?

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
7 years before

There is no special name for this. It is simply called "Leak Test Vacuum box".

Prashant kr. Rai
Prashant kr. Rai
7 years before

Sir can u pls tell me how come dock master will know that ship bottom had touched the blocks,What are the methods?

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
7 years before

He knows the height of the blocks and when the draft of the ship is equal to this height, he would know that ship has touched the blocks. In case of floating dock, he will notice the additional weight on the online loadicator of the dock.

7 years before

Sir, The way you explained is very simple and one can parallely imagine....just got the feeling that I was physically witnessing the whole scenario.....felt good reading....Thank u

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
7 years before

Thanks Satish. Glad you found it interesting..

Soumen Guha Roy
Soumen Guha Roy
7 years before

Sir,this an awesome post as the others from you,very helpful for orals.Can you post something simple regarding stability,it would be quite helpful.Thanks.

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
7 years before

Glad you liked it Soumen. I will write on stability soon..

mohsen salmanpour
mohsen salmanpour
7 years before

Hi. excellent explanation. i have a question about dock master responsibility for any accident happened for the ship , dock crew and dry dock itself during docking & un-docking the vessels specially if during this procedure fatal accident causing human life to be lost. thanks a lot

7 years before

It is not the dock master alone that would be responsible but the dry dock company. In case of fatal accidents, the ship owner might appoint a maritime lawyer and make monetary claims for the family of the seafarer.

7 years before

Excellent blog sir, very informative, very practical , beautifully explained. I had few doubts about it, got cleared. Thanks a lot sir

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
7 years before

Glad you liked it Neeraj..

jourlan eballar
jourlan eballar
7 years before

Sir when to do the de-ballasting once the Ships is already inside

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
7 years before

Dock master will advise when to start the deballasting. It is started when ship is aligned to the blocks. Dock master will advise to keep the minimum draft to keep the A/E running. When the shore supply is connected he will advise to keep on deballasting.

7 years before

Good day sir. Maybe i'm off the point a bit but what usually happens with staff members during a dry dock period of 2 to 3 weeks? For example on a cruse ship with hundreds of employees from all over the world.

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
7 years before

The required staff stays onboard. I do not know about cruise ships but I guess the catering staff and all other staffs required for passengers are sent on leave and staff responsible for the operations of the ship remains on board.

Dhiren Chhaya
Dhiren Chhaya
7 years before

Excellent blog....Sir. Accidentally stumbled upon this blog and though not connected with Marine Engg. ; enjoyed reading.. Am basically a Mech. Engr.... enhanced knowledge.

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
7 years before

Thanks, Dhiren...

Adriana Angulo
Adriana Angulo
7 years before

I'm glad to find this blog, I loved your complete explanation, it made it all clear for me . Thank you.

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
7 years before

Glad you liked it, Adriana...

7 years before

m making presentation on dry dock u made my job a piece of cake with this data .

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
7 years before

Glad you found it useful Shiven...

7 years before

well explained and you made others realize that its not just sailing a ship into the sea.

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
7 years before

Glad you liked it, Moses...

arvind kumar soorada
arvind kumar soorada
7 years before

Thank you very much for such a detailed explanation.

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
6 years before

Glad you liked it Arvind...

6 years before

Sir, It is possible to Dry dock a ship with trim by head??

Air Condition Maintenance Company Dubai
Air Condition Maintenance Company Dubai
6 years before

Wonderful information, thanks a lot for sharing kind of information. Your website gives the best and the most interesting information. Thanks a ton once again, Regards, Air Condition Maintenance Services in Dubai

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
6 years before

Thanks ...

6 years before

Nice article. During dry docking what is the normal procedure for the electronics. Will the AIS, radar, etc be turned off? Thanks again!

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
6 years before

There is no such requirement but if any yard specific requirement, then yard safety officer will let the vessel know in advance..

6 years before

Thank u a lot for information and we need more data about tugs maintenance and tug docking if u don't mind

6 years before

Thnks for the vast imformation,So every time the new ship come,we can arrange the block according to that ship??

Raushan Raj
Raushan Raj
6 years before

Perfect explanation sir i will be glad if you also explain about bilge blocks and shores and how they are placed

Tops Kumar
Tops Kumar
6 years before

Excellent sir. This is the best article written in excellent and simple way. I just very happy.

Satyajit Dilip
Satyajit Dilip
6 years before

Excellent article, there is a repeated question asked in Master exams, How will you drydock a vessel with forepeak in damaged condition??

6 years before

Sir kindly advice why they need midship section plan and how it is useful in drydocking

6 years before

Why ship is trim by astern while dry docking and why it can't trim by forward

6 years before

Thanks for the step by step procedures regarding chiefmate's responsibility for preparation dry dock. It has been a great help and got the idea on how it goes. A great preparations for my orals class 2 as well. Thank you so much Sir

Bobby Saint
Bobby Saint
6 years before

I appreciate you sharing a complete guide on how to bring a ship to dry dock. I've always wanted to learn how to do this because it has always been my dream to have my own boat or yacht. The tips or steps you've provided would surely help as a reference if I ever get to have my own boat in the future. Thanks. http://www.customdocksllc.com/

6 years before

Stern trim to be 0.9% of LBP as required by dock master My quiery is where is this info given?. MMD SURVEYOR question

Jimmy Macwan
Jimmy Macwan
6 years before

Hello, Good day Sir, My question is wrt stability prospects, where will be P when the vessel is sitting all over the blocks. This is a question frequently asked in MMD orals for Master candidates. Thank you in advance.

Priyank Guhagarkar
Priyank Guhagarkar
6 years before

Good day Sir, I have question regarding Crude Oil Washing for Crude OIl Tankers entering DD. Is there any specific requirement for Amount of Water used and No of minimum cycles to be carried out before entering DD.?

Bipinjot singh
Bipinjot singh
6 years before

Very informative and detailed explanation sir. We can find the theory part on other parts but all the topics disccused bu you are added with practical knowledge and its implementation.

Bipinjot singh
Bipinjot singh
6 years before

Very informative and detailed explanation sir. We can find the theory part on other sites but all the topics disccused bu you are added with practical knowledge and its implementation.

Sohel Ahamed
Sohel Ahamed
6 years before

Awesome sir. I can't explained you. Just one word- mind blowing. Sir i have one question to you. What is the name of Special keel block use in dry dock with loaded cargo??

6 years before

Comment* Thanks for your effort, very useful informations. God blessed you Sir.

Vijay singh
Vijay singh
6 years before

Sir , last month during my chiefmate oral surveyor asked , use of shores in drydock. I didn't know the answer, please sir can u answer this question, thanks in advance

Paint Service Dubai
Paint Service Dubai
6 years before

Superb information from this article and I have to tell you, your blog giving the best and awesome information. And I would like to thanks for this information that I had been looking. Regards Paint Service Dubai

Prithvi Singh
Prithvi Singh
6 years before

Very well explained about Docking and Undocking of a vessel. But if possible, can you pass information regarding vacuum test of drain plugs before undocking.

Paresh Devalia
Paresh Devalia
5 years before


s k jha
s k jha
5 years before

beautifully explained,vodeo is real spice to the contents.

aleixo mabiala
aleixo mabiala
5 years before

Thank You for a great information

Chinthapalli Prasanth
Chinthapalli Prasanth
5 years before

very good explanation especially for crew going to dock for the first time.

5 years before

capt.rajeev, thank you for such beautiful explanation. can you please explain procedures for dry docking with forepeak tank ruptured.

S.Thirumalar kannan
S.Thirumalar kannan
5 years before

Excellent blog sir

Win Kyaw Swar
Win Kyaw Swar
5 years before

Good day Sir, I have much knowledge and experience from your article. One of the condition is confusing me, that de-ballast operation during pumping out of dock water when the ship overall sits on all blocks. Why do we need to de-ballast after approved the ship's stability and condition by the dockmaster? Purpose? Is this operation optional requirement from the dockyard or essential to do? Appreciate your reply. with best regards, Win KS

5 years before

What will happen to ECDIS or How does ECDIS afftected when the ship is already on the blocks at Dry Dock. This question was asked many time by MCA Surveyors in UK.Cany anyone share the answer to this ??

Ganesh Viswanath
Ganesh Viswanath
3 years before

Did you find the answer? if you found pls share.

2 years before


2 years before


5 years before

Excellent work vauable information thank you captain

5 years before

Sir kindly add the clearance check near shaft I once witnessed this but have no clue about do & don’t.Kind of blade type material used to demonstrate. I haven’t raised question to my C/Eng so kindly explain

Vincenzo Viator
Vincenzo Viator
5 years before

I enjoy what you guys are usually up too. This sort of clever work and coverage! Keep up the wonderful works guys I’ve added you guys to my blogroll.

Terrence Towell
Terrence Towell
5 years before

I’d love to be a part of group where I can get advice from other experienced people that share the same interest. If you have any recommendations, please let me know. Thank you.

4 years before

Your article provide such a great information with good knowledge. Sir please if u could explain what all checks to be carried out after vessel is out of drydock and at sea... Thank you very much for sharing such knowledge.

4 years before

This helped me understand some good ways to get started. Thank you.

Move in cleaning dubai
Move in cleaning dubai
4 years before

Excellent blog, thanks a lot for sharing this article have been looking since so long for this type information. Thanks a ton once again, Regards, Move in cleaning dubai

Move in cleaning dubai
Move in cleaning dubai
4 years before

Incredible blog you have guys! I very happy to your blog as it has many ideas with lots of knowledge which can be used. Look forward for more and more blog of yours. You guys are amazing. Warm regardsMove in cleaning dubai

Suhag mistri
Suhag mistri
4 years before

Dear Rajiv, we are looking for documenting process for dry docking and PMS for Barges. Please contact me on suhag@mastermindindia.in or +918460358894 if you can help

4 years before

Great article sir... as usual ....very informative ..

Move in cleaning company in dubai
Move in cleaning company in dubai
4 years before

Incredible blog you have guys! I very happy to your blog as it has many ideas with lots of knowledge which can be used. Look forward for more and more blog of yours. You guys are amazing. Warm regardsMove in cleaning company in dubai

4 years before

Good day sir I have a question regarding the critical period during undocking does the vessel experience this during undocking also as I have not found any literature on it anywhere

4 years before

It was a very useful blog sir Can u please also explain why we keep trim by head when we make departure from drydock?

4 years before

A great tool for cleaning ship areas which you can't reach is the telescoping wand from https://bestcargurus.com/. You might want to check it out.

Rajesh Mayaperumal
Rajesh Mayaperumal
4 years before

Dear sir. Your article is very useful for me.i have some doubts regard drydock. Please clarify my doubts. 1) why ship enters in dock with trim by stern. 2). How to paint the area between keel blocks and keel.

Move in cleaning dubai
Move in cleaning dubai
4 years before

Thanks a lot for sharing this article. I have been looking for this type article since very long so thank you so much. Warm Regards Move in cleaning dubai

Moving in deep cleaning company in dubai
Moving in deep cleaning company in dubai
4 years before

Thanks a lot for sharing this article. I have been looking for this type article since very long so thank you so much. Warm Regards Moving in deep cleaning company in dubai

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Painting services in dubai
4 years before

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Cyrus Blake Crewford
Cyrus Blake Crewford
4 years before

The main objective in carrying out dry docking is to ensure ships are operational and to maintain their class license. Structural machinery and various components are subjected to inspection and maintenance to ensure sea worthiness. Dry docking is also required if a ship has sustained damage to the under water structure due to grounding, collision or any other damage which will affect the water integrity of the ship’s hull.

3 years before

Captain you love what you are doing and this is obvious...thank you for sharing your knowledge.

Move in deep cleaning dubai
Move in deep cleaning dubai
3 years before

Excellent blog, thanks a lot for sharing this article have been looking since so long for this type information. Thanks a ton once again, Regards, Move in deep cleaning dubai

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Move in cleaners in Dubai
3 years before

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Move in deep cleaning company dubai
3 years before

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Moving in cleaning dubai
Moving in cleaning dubai
3 years before

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Move in deep cleaning Dubai
Move in deep cleaning Dubai
3 years before

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3 years before

Even though I had 2 DD experience, i see a new things in your article sir. Loved it very much. As an engineer, Hardly have a chance to see all these maintenance outside hull.

3 years before

When ever you are at the dry Dock. You add some knowledge to your job. Great experience though.

Design Dock
Design Dock
3 years before

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Himanshu Soni
Himanshu Soni
3 years before

hie sir you pls share, how to DD a ship in emergency if a ship is loaded , what precautions to take ?

Move in deep cleaning dubai
Move in deep cleaning dubai
3 years before

Fantastic Blog! This is the type of post that needs to be given and not the accidental misinformation that’s at the other blogs. Appreciate your sharing. Kind regards, Move in deep cleaning dubai

Ahad Jibon
Ahad Jibon
3 years before

Thank you for this unknown to me yet interesting & easy explanation sir. I didn't get any chance of docking yet but these words made me feel like I was there already.

Move out painting dubai
Move out painting dubai
3 years before

Great information guys, it’s really amazing and appreciate the handwork of your guys. I would like to inform you as we are professional cleaning & painting service providers in Dubai! Regards Move out painting dubai

Yash jaiswal
Yash jaiswal
3 years before

Before going for Drydock what things will be prepared in relation to LSA and FFA... Question was asked during the Orals

GAMMA Marine
GAMMA Marine
3 years before

Thank you for providing such great information. Please find the details below for chief mate oral prep

Deep cleaning companies in dubai
Deep cleaning companies in dubai
3 years before

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Deep cleaning dubai
3 years before

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Move in cleaning services in dubai
3 years before

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Deep cleaning service company in dubai
3 years before

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Move in cleaning dubai
Move in cleaning dubai
3 years before

Thank you for the sharing good knowledge and information, it’s very helpful and understanding... as we are looking for this information since long time. Regards Move in cleaning dubai

Deep clean services company in dubai
Deep clean services company in dubai
3 years before

Such a awesome post with great inspiration to many. would like to thank you for sharing this and keep it up! kind regards, Deep clean services company in dubai

Jim Federer
Jim Federer
3 years before

The content of the post is really helpful. Do you have any procedure for keel block removal under load? Thanks

Jim Federer
Jim Federer
3 years before

The content of the post is really helpful. Do you have any procedure for keel block removal under load? Thanks

Deep cleaning company in dubai
Deep cleaning company in dubai
3 years before

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Deep cleaning company in Dubai
Deep cleaning company in Dubai
3 years before

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Move in deep cleaning dubai
3 years before

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Move out painting Dubai
3 years before

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Move out painting Dubai
Move out painting Dubai
3 years before

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3 years before

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Flat deep cleaning dubai
Flat deep cleaning dubai
3 years before

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Flat deep cleaning Dubai
Flat deep cleaning Dubai
3 years before

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Tank cleaning service in dubai
3 years before

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Flat painting Dubai
Flat painting Dubai
3 years before

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Apartment painting Dubai
Apartment painting Dubai
3 years before

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3 years before

very informative and your explanation is wonderful

3 years before

lovely information as we have been looking for.

Move in cleaning companies in Dubai
Move in cleaning companies in Dubai
3 years before

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Deep cleaning companies in Dubai
Deep cleaning companies in Dubai
3 years before

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Move in cleaning companies in dubai
3 years before

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Mark Louie Mantua
Mark Louie Mantua
3 years before

Hello sir..do we need to shut down gyro as well when vessel is docking?

Watertank cleaning services dubai
Watertank cleaning services dubai
2 years before

Thank you for the sharing good knowledge and information, it’s very helpful and understanding... as we are looking for this information since long time. Regards Watertank cleaning services dubai

Economy Dock Seawall
Economy Dock Seawall
2 years before

Thank you for this informative piece of writing. I like the way you have explained even the minor details, which will let anyone to understand the whole procedure very well. Keep sharing such good work. Regards, Economy Dock Seawall And Dredge Company

Flat painting in Dubai
Flat painting in Dubai
2 years before

Thanks a lot for sharing kind of information. Your article provide such a great information with good knowledge. Here we would like to inform you as we are professional cleaning & painting service providers in Dubai! Regards Flat painting in dubai

Paint apartment dubai
Paint apartment dubai
2 years before

Thank you for the sharing good knowledge and information, it’s very helpful and understanding... as we are looking for this information since long time. Regards Paint apartment dubai

Move in cleaners Dubai
Move in cleaners Dubai
2 years before

Thanks a lot for sharing kind of information. Your article provides such a great information with good knowledge. Here we would like to inform you as we are professional cleaning & painting service providers in Dubai! Regards Move in cleaners dubai

Moving in cleaning Dubai
Moving in cleaning Dubai
2 years before

Your article provide such a great information with good knowledge. Here we would like to inform you as we are professional cleaning & painting service providers in Dubai! Regards Moving in cleaning dubai

Moving in cleaning Dubai
Moving in cleaning Dubai
2 years before

Thank you for the sharing good knowledge and information, it’s very helpful and understanding... as we are looking for this information since long time. Regards Moving in cleaning dubai

Ayinde T A
Ayinde T A
2 years before

It is a good write up this as added to my experience being in dock with vessels. Please sir, explain the precautions to be take to ensure successful docking of a vessel.

Anir Aubath Beharilal
Anir Aubath Beharilal
2 years before

Thanks Captain, I am preparing for my chief mates orals. This is the best explanation I have ever came across, Normally don't leaves comments haha, But just wanted to say a big thank you. I have been to dry dock only once on my first ship as a cadet and can now relate to much more after reading this. Anir from South Africa

2 years before

Excellent explanation sir, could you please elaborate a little about dry and wet sounding of tank and why do we take them ?

Joswin Aranha
Joswin Aranha
2 years before

I felt like I was actually in the drydock while reading the post. Great explanation Sir.

Isabella Lucas
Isabella Lucas
1 year before

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Move out painting Dubai
Move out painting Dubai
1 year before

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Flat cleaners in Dubai
Flat cleaners in Dubai
1 year before

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Move out paint company in Dubai
1 year before

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Professional painting companies in dubai
1 year before

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Apartment painting services in Dubai
1 year before

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Apartment painting services in Dubai
Apartment painting services in Dubai
1 year before

Fantastic Blog! This is the type of post that needs to be given and not the accidental misinformation that’s at the other blogs. Appreciate your sharing. Kind regards, Apartment painting services in Dubai

Move in clean services dubai
Move in clean services dubai
1 year before

Extremely decent blog! I would like to thank you guys for sharing such a fantastic blog. Regards Move in clean services dubai

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Gerald Muswagon
1 year before

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Moving in deep cleaning dubai
Moving in deep cleaning dubai
1 year before

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Move in clean services dubai
1 year before

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Move in clean services dubai
Move in clean services dubai
1 year before

Thank you for the sharing good knowledge and information, it’s very helpful and understanding... as we are looking for this information since long time. Regards Move in clean services dubai

Move in cleaning services in Dubai
Move in cleaning services in Dubai
1 year before

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Move out cleaning Dubai
Move out cleaning Dubai
1 year before

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Move out painting dubai
1 year before

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Move out paint company in Dubai
1 year before

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Move out paint company in dubai
1 year before

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