
Is anyone having deja vu?

Every time a new regulation is in force, companies, and seafarers inevitably wonder if this is the last major regulation that they have to worry about.

We have seen this before with Marpol Annex VI, ECDIS, EU MRV, and many others.

It’s a fair question to ask, though.

After all, everyone is managing regulations these days instead of managing ships.

While we may or may not be critical of new regulations each year the truth is we have to comply with these regulations.

And the first step to compliance is understanding the regulation inside out.

The regulation we will discuss today is “Ballast water management”.

Let us start.

Ballast water management convention?

In 1988, Canada and Australia raised the issue of invasive species brought to their waters through the discharge of ballast water by ships.

What could be the problem with these invasive species or with ballast water, one may ask.

The problem is highlighted in the below video by IMO.


The problem was real and IMO started the work to address this issue.

After more than 14 years of complex negotiations between the IMO Member States, the  International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention) was adopted on 13 February 2004.

And after another 13 long years, the BWM Convention finally entered into force on 8 September 2017.

Application of ballast water management convention

So the first question is to which all ships this convention applies?

Well, the convention applies to all the ships of a state that has ratified the convention and that carry ballast.

There are few logical exemptions such as a ship that carries permanent ballast in sealed tanks on ships, that is not subject to discharge.

Ballast water convention does not apply to such ships.


Ballast water standards

Ballast water convention is all about pollution from ballast water from one location discharged into different ecology.


So it is obvious that ballast water management convention would require us to treat the ballast water in ways that it becomes less harmful or not harmful at all.

Ballast water management (BWM) convention provides two ways of doing that.

These methods are provided in section D of the ballast water management (BWM) convention.


Ballast water exchange standard (regulation D1)

The first standard is to replace the ballast water in mid sea.

This method is based on the fact that the invader species from coastal water cannot survive in deep waters and deep water species cannot survive in coastal waters.

When replacing the ballast water at deep sea, BWM convention regulation D1 requires that at least 95% of the ballast water need to be exchanged.

And there are two ways to do that.

The first method is to deballast at least 95% of the volume of ballast water from the tank and then re-fill it. This is called the “Sequential method or simply Pump-in, pump-out method)”.

For example, let us say we need to exchange the ballast water from a ballast tank that has 1000 m3 of ballast.

In this case, we need to deballast at least 950 m3 of ballast and then refill it.

Actually, we need to deballast as much as possible. 5% is just allowed for the unpumpable ballast.

The second method is to keep on ballasting the ballast tank and keep on overflowing the ballast water from ballast tank through air pipe or other openings of the ballast tank.

For the flow-through method, BWM convention regulation D1 requires to pump in 3 times of the ballast tank capacity to achieve 95% of the volumetric exchange.


Ballast water performance standard (Regulation D2)

The first ballast water standard is temporary and ultimately all ships need to arrive at ballast water performance standard (regulation D-2).

This second ballast water standard is more scientific in words.

It aims to control the number of actual species (in simpler word micro-organisms) that can be discharged.

If you are interested in knowing the numbers, here are the numbers as per the BWM conventions, regulation D-2.2.


And as you may have guessed it right, this can only be achieved by a Ballast water treatment system.

This system is fitted before the ballast overboard and it treats the ballast water to the required standards before the ballast water goes overboard.

Criteria for ballast water exchange (Regulation B-4)

To achieve ballast water standard as per regulation D-1, the vessel needs to exchange the ballast in the mid sea.

BWM convention regulation B-4 provides the criteria for deep sea where the ballast exchange need to be carried.

And as per regulation B-4, the ballast water exchange need to be carried at

  • 200 Nautical miles from nearest land in a minimum water depth of 200 meters.
  • Where above is not possible, then as far as practicable from the nearest land but not less than 50 NM from nearest land and in a minimum water depth of 200 meters

Regulation B-4.3 also clarifies that the ship need not deviate from the intended route for the purpose of complying with this requirement.

So then here is the million dollars question that everyone has.

What if distance or depth requirements are not met during the voyage, especially for a short voyage between two countries?

Well, the best way is to communicate with the agent to know the local requirements from the port authority.

For example, for the voyage from a Brazilian port to Argentina: the vessel would not comply with the requirements if the general route is followed.

But Argentinian port authorities have special instructions related to ballast water exchange for the vessels arriving from Brazilian ports.

Regulation D-1 or D-2: Which one applies to which ships?

Vessels need to either comply with regulation D-1 (Ballast exchange) or Regulation D-2 (Ballast water treatment system).

BWM convention regulation B-3 provides this information.

The original regulation B-3 was amended by MEPC circular to amend the compliance dates.

Below is the amended schedule for compliance with the D-2 regulation.


The above schedule may look confusing because the reference date is taken as the ballast water convention ratification date (08 Sept 2017).

But we can simplify it a bit.  So in simple terms, as per the revised regulation B-3

  • New ships (built on or after 08 Sept 2017) must meet D-2 standards.
  • Existing ships (built before 08 Sept 2017) must meet D-2 standards at first IOPP renewal survey after 08 Sept 2019.
  • All vessel must comply with D-2 standards before 08 Sept 2024.

Ballast water management plan

BWM convention, regulation B-1 requires the ships to have an approved Ballast water management plan.

The ballast water management plan is a ship specific plan and has all the details related to the compliance with BWM convention.

For example, it lists if the regulation D-1 is applicable to the vessel or regulation D-2.

In the case of regulation D-1, the approved process of achieving 95% of volumetric exchange of ballast will be provided in the BWM plan.

It would also contain the safety consideration for ballast water exchange.

For example the information about the set of ballast tanks that can be exchanged together along with the ship’s stability during this process.

If regulation D-2 is applicable then the BWM plan would contain the information about Ballast water treatment system.

And the BWM plan provides information about the handling of sediments from the ballast water tanks.

Ballast water record book

Yes, another record book.

BWM convention regulation B-2 requires the ships to have on board a “Ballast water record book”.

An entry needs to be made for each activity related to the ballast water.

Below are the entries that need to be made

  • When Ballast Water is taken on board
  • Whenever Ballast Water is circulated or treated for Ballast Water Management purposes
  • When Ballast Water is discharged into the sea
  • When Ballast Water is discharged to a reception facility
  • Accidental or other exceptional uptake or discharges of Ballast Water
  • additional operational procedure and general remarks     

Codes given in the beginning pages of the ballast water record book need to be used for making entries.

This is not much different from the entries we make for oil record book or cargo record book on tankers.


International Ballast water management certificate

BWM convention regulation E-2 requires that the ship that complies with the requirements of the conventions be issued with a certificate.

The International Ballast water management certificate is issued after the successful initial survey of that vessel.


The initial survey is carried out to verify that

  • the ship’s ballast water management plan complies with the requirements of the convention.
  • The equipment and procedures comply with the requirements of the convention.

The ballast water management certificate is valid for 5 years subject to the annual surveys.

The annual survey is carried out each year within three months before or after each anniversary date.

Apart from that, an Intermediate survey is carried out within three months before or after the second or third-anniversary date of the certificate.


Compliance with BWM convention

Sometimes we do not need to know the entire convention. We just want to hear what is required from us.

So here I summarise what is required from seafarers to comply with BWM convention.

This will also help during port state control inspections.

First, we need to have on board

  • A valid “International Ballast water management certificate”; and
  • An approved “Ballast water management plan”.

Check that these two documents are on board.

Second, we need to know if the vessel is required to comply with D-1 standards or D-2 standards.

The ballast water management certificate provides this information.


If the method employed is as per regulation D-1, then we must ensure that ballast is exchanged as per the procedures mentioned in the BWM plan.

If the method employed is as per regulation D-2, that is, the vessel is fitted with a BWM system then we must have a type approval certificate for such a system.


Vessel needs to record all activities related to the ballast water in the “Ballast water record book”.

And finally, ship’s crew need to be aware of and trained about their responsibilities as per the ballast water management convention.

A training record for the training of all of those involved with ballast operations would help show compliance.

Once these points are taken care of, the vessel can be expected to comply with ballast water management convention.


We like it or not but there is one more regulation that we have to comply.

Port state controls are now focussing on verifying the compliance with ballast water management convention.

And it is time that we know in and out about the convention and how we can ensure compliance.

Once we know that, demonstrating compliance with BWM convention would not be difficult.

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Capt Rajeev Jassal

About Capt Rajeev Jassal

Capt. Rajeev Jassal has sailed for over 24 years mainly on crude oil, product and chemical tankers. He holds MBA in shipping & Logistics degree from London. He has done extensive research on quantitatively measuring Safety culture onboard and safety climate ashore which he believes is the most important element for safer shipping.

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5 years before

Beautifully explained sir. Do ships started carrying BWM certificate after BWM convention came into force? If I had no BWM plan and no BWM certificate before 8sep2017, would it cause my ship running into troubles with PSCs?

Rajeev Jassal
Rajeev Jassal
5 years before

BWM Plan and BWM certificate was only required once BWM convention entered into force.

4 years before

So if a vessel has an approved D2 system should proceed with ballast exchange or not ? What about OSPAR convention if she comes from open seas .As an example departed from Hazira and bounding to Argentina with D2 what she is going to do?Ballast exchange or not ?

3 years before

Hi, there are two cases: First Case, if the ship is fitted with an approved BWMT system before the D-2 standard is compulsory for that ship (i.e before the first IOPP renewal survey after 7sep2019), then the ship can do BW exchange (D-1) or BW treatment (D-2), in this case the BWM certificate will show that both methodes are acceptable. Second Case, when the D-2 standard become compulsory for the ship (after the first IOPP renewal survey after 7sep2019), only BWT system is to be used, and the BW certificate will show that this is the only acceptable mean.

Anthony da costa
Anthony da costa
5 years before

Dear sir suppose I have been facing heavy weather and vessel rolling heavily is it right for me to carry out ballast exchange and how will not the BM and AD increase and causing FSC

3 years before

According the the ballast water convention :"A ship conducting Ballast Water exchange shall not be required to comply with paragraphs 1 or 2, as appropriate, if the master reasonably decides that such exchange would threaten the safety or stability of the ship, its crew, or its passengers because of adverse weather, ship design or stress, equipment failure, or any other extraordinary condition." Reg. B-4.4

2 years before

Don't you think Master need to seek approval from flag?

Sarin Hari
Sarin Hari
5 years before

sir, your art of simplyfing complicated topics is highly applaudable....Thanks a lot...its helps in my class 1 prepration a lot...Please shed light on Wreck convention and who gives COFR?..Thanks

Akim Bleke
Akim Bleke
5 years before

Dear Sir, When do ships actually have to apply the D1 or D2 standard ? Every voyage, always ? Or only when the arrival port state requires treated ballast water ? This is not clear to me. Currently, our vessels move between ports without doing anything ! (Not exchanging, not treating). Please clarify with referenced material. Thank you ! Capt Akim Bleke

3 years before

Ballast water shall be exchanged or treated as applicable in all voyages. According to Regulation A-2 "Except where expressly provided otherwise, the discharge of Ballast Water shall only be conducted through Ballast Water Management in accordance with the provisions of this Annex." If your ship is currently not managing ballast water in accordance with standard D-1 or D-2 then the ship is not complying with the provisions of the BWM Convention;

Benny Tan
Benny Tan
4 years before

Dear Sir, Is ballast exchange still necessary once fitted with BWTS? Understand BWTS serves as a filter (larger organism and residues are removed) and treatment (smaller organisms, batceria and pathogens are killed), how about the solubles (oils, chemicals, etc) especially when the ballast is taken in coastal and/or river ports. Could you share your views on this. Thanks.

Collin Singh
Collin Singh
4 years before

Dear Captain Rajeev Jassal Thanks for your valuable explanation very informative indeed.

Kadir Sert
Kadir Sert
4 years before


Amar anand
Amar anand
4 years before

nice article sir....

4 years before

Best explanation i have ever read abou the topic.Simple and on point. Thank you very much captain!!

4 years before

is it compulsary to use ballast water treatment system when we are doing ballast water exchange at sea??

4 years before

very valuable for all those who work at sea and on land..thank you

Dipak Kumar
Dipak Kumar
4 years before

It helps me a lot thank you sir

Popov Alexander
Popov Alexander
4 years before

Thanks a lot. The best expansion I have ever met.

3 years before

Sir can u plz make an topic with off heading and off course alarms as many have confused regarding this

3 years before


3 years before

Thanks was very helpful indeed

3 years before

Please clarify the question below . If the ship has the ballast water treatment system do i have to exchange ballast if the ship sails from a one region to an other ? For example a ship takes ballast at Rotterdam and going to discharge it in Italian port or in port of Romania.

3 years before

Hi, there are two cases: First Case, if the ship is fitted with an approved BWMT system before the D-2 standard is compulsory for that ship (i.e before the first IOPP renewal survey after 7sep2019), then the ship can do BW exchange (D-1) or BW treatment (D-2), in this case the BWM certificate will show that both methodes are acceptable. Second Case, when the D-2 standard become compulsory for the ship (after the first IOPP renewal survey after 7sep2019), only BWT system is to be used, and the BW certificate will show that this is the only acceptable mean.

3 years before

Good day, thanks for info, however I got question that might be helpful (I mean an answer) for other seafarers : vsl was at dry dock , before on board was D-1, at dry dock installed approved BWTS , certificate by class mentioned D-2 only. At Ballast management plan shown “flow through method” in spite of fact that flow trough pipes were blinded at dry dock. Pls advice if “flow trough” can be mentioned at new BMP after installation of BWTS and been by class on D-2 and if I’m right that there a mistake in companies BMP? Thanks in advance

3 years before

Hi Sergey, the BWM plan shall be specific to the ship. The BWM plan shall clearly describe how the ship shall comply with the convention. with regard to your ship, the BWM plan shall indicate that the D-2 standard is used on board. Description of the "flow through method" is then not relevant. However, in my opinion, the D-1 can be described in the BWM plan as an alternative mean for managing BW in case the BWMT system is out of order for example. Of course, the BWM plan shall be approved by the Flag/RO.

Nigel Mitchell
Nigel Mitchell
2 years before

If I have a BWTS fitted and only ballasting / deballasting outside of port / territorial limits do I still require to use the BWTS or can this be bypassed as we presently use a gravity ballasting method. Thanks

Fatih Erden
Fatih Erden
3 years before

As per BWMC 2004 Reg B2-5 each operation concerning ballast water shall be fully recorded without any delay to the log book. This is not so practicable at chemical tankers. Some cargo operations require ballast operations more often (For example : deballasting 25 cbm from WBT3S or ballasting 15 cbm to WBT7P even more operations like this) Which ballast operation to be recorded in case of there are many and complicated ballast operations are in progress? Even 1 cbm of ballast water opreration to be recorded or not? Definition of the ballast operation to be more clarified for the records. Depending on duration or quantity of the ballast water etc. On the first pages of Ballast Water Record Book there are some examples shown. However these examples are showing only total ballast handled. It is more convenient to bulk carriers. Chief Officers are struggling with explaining this unpracticable records to the 3rd party inspections.

1 year before

sorularınızla alakalı BIMCO da yazılmış makale var incelerseniz faydalı olcağını umuyorum.

3 years before


3 years before

Short answer : NO. the right to board the ship and verify compliance with the provisions of the BWM convention is only for parties to that convention.

3 years before

My BWM certificate issued by LR showing vessel method applied is both D1 & D2. Please advise if i need to use BWTP D2 only or i can use exchange D1 as my wish. It is ok, if i take normal water without BWTP, & at sea disch untreated water take water through plant.

sumit kajla
sumit kajla
2 years before

awesome explanation sir .. we are clearing mate exams through reading your blogs

2 years before

Nice post. Thank you for posting something like this. Keep up the good work.....If you want to control the Level Of Water in your housing or commercial complexes then you can visit our site WaterApp. Website :

Justin Edattukaran
Justin Edattukaran
2 years before

Excellent explanation on BWM convention...Much appreciated the efort taken by you to prepare this blog and thank you so much Sir..

2 years before

Good day, If is any restrictions for vessel speed during BWE? During DD refit installed new BWTS which is approved by class how to exchange water from yard? What is the proper way BWE and ballast treated water via is possible exchange water at the anchorage area if the same water was taken,????

Milind Goyal
Milind Goyal
2 years before

If BWTS is in operational in a Port due to muddy waters . When we carryout BWE at Sea now using BWTS do we have to maintain 50 NM and 200 m depth while carrying out the exchange ?

1 year before

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Isabella Lucas
Isabella Lucas
1 year before

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Selina Delien
Selina Delien
1 year before

It's my greatest pleasure to know there are still real spell caster in this world, I have been scammed several times with fake spell caster online until I meet my friend who Doctor Ogori has helped to get her husband back, and I decided to contact the spell caster through his email address : it's difficult to stand the pains of playing lottery for many years and never won, and I have been playing lottery for so many years now but never won. things suddenly change the moment I came across Dr OGORI, who help people in any type of lottery numbers, I believe it well work out for me since he has help my friend get back her husband, but I decided to put my trust in him, now I am proud to be a lottery winner with the help of DR Ogori, I won £1,000.0000.00 and I am making this known to every one out there who have been trying all day to win the lottery, believe me this is the only spell caster you can ever trust. Contact him via email: or whatsapp +234 806 053 1849

1 year before

Hello everyone! My name is Alesha from Texas, I just want to give a word of advice to everyone who lost their money in the name of love and trust. I lost my husband in 2015 and in 2019 I felt it is not nice living a single life. then I meet a man on Facebook who was a soldier in Syria and we had so much fun and we became lovers, He asked me to help him with $3,000 so he can leave the camp because his life is in danger, I sent him the money and later asked me for $30,000 so they can deliver some of his documents and also with gold worth 4 million dollars, I also send the money to the delivery company and since then I was sending money to the delivery company because they said they always have to pay huge amount of money to the custom so they can release the package. I sent all the money in my account, I sold my 2 cars and I also sold my house just to make sure I received the package. I never knew I was dealing with a scammer until I became homeless and moved to my sister's house in Louisiana. Everything I sent to this bastard scammer was $997,000. I was dirty and had so much depression and my plans was to commit suicide. I was fortunate enough to hear and read of OGORI SPELL CASTER in one of the blogs on the internet of someone sharing a massive testimony on how OGORI SPIRITUAL SPELL helped in bringing back her lost stolen money of 320,000 dollars from a scammer. I contacted the OGORI SPIRITUAL SPELL for help, he assured me to submit my details and in less than 14 days the scammer will send me back all the money, truly it works and I have gotten all my money back and I can buy a new house again. If you are a victim, you can get a great help from this powerful spell caster. Email: WhatsApp: +234 806 053 1849 I have never seen such supernatural power from a spell caster, but this is really nice and helping people getting back their money from scammers

1 year before

Hello Everyone, My name is Michelle and I am from Australia. I am very happy to come out here today and share my testimony on how I conceived and now I am happy to be called a mother. I have been married to my husband for many years without a child and we have gone to many hospitals and the Doctors said I can't conceive. The doctor said that my husband is fine and I don't know what else to do. My husband has been asking for a divorce since I can't conceive. I was really frustrated because I had no one to run to. Until one day I decided to share what I was going through to a friend in my office. and she introduced me to Dr. Ogori, a spell caster who helped her to get money back from a scammer, So I decided to contact this spell caster Dr. Ogori through his email address ( after then I was told on what to do and he cast his spell but the problem was that my husband don't even look at my face not to talk of having sex with me, but the spell caster told me not to worry that he will do a love spell for me and I accept and he did the spell. suddenly My husband deposited much love that he has never shown me since we got married and we started living happily again, after one month I was feeling sick and my husband took me to the hospital for a checkup and it was discovered that I was pregnant. My husband was really happy. I thank Dr. Ogori for saving my marriage and also bringing joy and happiness into my family. I want to use this opportunity to give and advice to those of you who are looking for a solution from spell caster and at the end you will end up get scammed , Dr. ogori is the real spell caster I have encounter with and I advice you to contact him if you have any issue instead off falling into the hand of fake caster. you can message him on WhatsApp through this +234 806 0531849 or email him through

Diana Eva
Diana Eva
1 year before

This is my first time to experience a real spell caster, I would gladly recommend you all not to stress yourself over some spell caster that will take your money and will not be able to help you out. I was able to put an end to my divorce issue and restore my marriage back again, because I never wanted it to happen. I don't know what came over my husband that he was asking for divorce, I tried to talk to him but he didn't listen to me, I had no other option than to seek for help in any where I could think of and went to the length of contacting some spell casters who couldn't be able to help. Three days ago I read a testimony about Dr. Ogori on how he help someone to get her money back from a scammer and I decided to contact him on( , and he told me that a spell has been cast on my husband by his ex-girlfriend who wanted him back, then I begged for help and he told me he would help me. After he cast his spell yesterday, he told me the spell will work in 24 hours. To my biggest surprise my husband just came in this afternoon with a gift and was asking him to forgive him because he doesn't know what was wrong with him. I thank Dr. Ogori for saving my marriage and bringing back happiness into my life again I recommend you to contact him if you are still worried about any situation and I trust Dr. Ogori will solve your problems. You can reach him through WhatsApp :+234 806 053 1849

Diana Eva
Diana Eva
1 year before

This is my first time to experience a real spell caster, I would gladly recommend you all not to stress yourself over some spell caster that will take your money and will not be able to help you out. I was able to put an end to my divorce issue and restore my marriage back again, because I never wanted it to happen. I don't know what came over my husband that he was asking for divorce, I tried to talk to him but he didn't listen to me, I had no other option than to seek for help in any where I could think of and went to the length of contacting some spell casters who couldn't be able to help. Three days ago I read a testimony about Dr. Ogori on how he help someone to get her money back from a scammer and I decided to contact him on( , and he told me that a spell has been cast on my husband by his ex-girlfriend who wanted him back, then I begged for help and he told me he would help me. After he cast his spell yesterday, he told me the spell will work in 24 hours. To my biggest surprise my husband just came in this afternoon with a gift and was asking him to forgive him because he doesn't know what was wrong with him. I thank Dr. Ogori for saving my marriage and bringing back happiness into my life again I recommend you to contact him if you are still worried about any situation and I trust Dr. Ogori will solve your problems. You can reach him through WhatsApp :+234 806 053 1849

1 year before

I feel so blessed again in my marriage after Doctor Oku brought back my husband that separated with me for a good 3 months. Even though I have mouths all over my body, it won't be enough to thank Doctor Oku for his help in my life. My husband separated with me for 3 months and has been in pain and agony without him. So, I searched for help everywhere but nothing worked out, not until I meant Doctor Oku who I contacted online. I explained my situation to him and he promised that my husband will get back to me within 48 to 72 hours as long as my heart still beats for him. I believed in him and he prepared a spell for me and my husband called me exactly when Doctor Oku said. He pleaded and said he needs me back and now we are living happily again for the past 9 months. Everyone out there reading my article that needs help should contact him... Email: or whatsApp him +2347053113465

Donald Statzer
Donald Statzer
1 year before

My purpose to be out here is to share the good work of Dr Ogori the great spell caster. Thank You to everyone who supported me through the years. My name is Ronald Statzer, I'm a retired Elizabeth City Coast Guardsman and woke up Thursday morning and became [$1,000,000] 1million richer. My story of how I won the Power ball lottery of $1 million dollars is a bit of a tale. I have been playing Power ball tickets for years now since I retired. I went online and I read a lot of testimonies about Dr Ogori. I contacted him through ( and after casting his spell he gave me the five numbers, i bought five Quick Pick tickets Wednesday from the 7-Eleven on Patrick Way in Elizabeth City. When I woke up on Thursday morning, I looked at one of my tickets and went on the internet to verify the numbers. Then I saw all five numbers Dr Ogori gave me came up, I was very surprised then I quickly woke my wife up and told her the good news and we were both happy and dance to the new life beginning. This was how I became richer, and I'm very glad to share the good work of Dr Ogori to everyone around the world Dr Ogori is the best spell caster I have ever seen in my entire life. You can message him on WhatsApp through this +234 806 053 1849 or email him through

Gerald Muswagon
Gerald Muswagon
1 year before

I want to genuinely thank Dr Ayoola for making my dream come through. I was on the internet when I saw people posting and talking about Dr Ayoola. On How he has help them in winning lottery. My name is Gerald Muswagon this is my story on how I win $10 million After reading the article about Dr Ayoola I contacted him I told him to help me win lottery he respond to me by saying he will help me after working with him he assured me that I will win. Which I believe. After working with Dr Ayoola he gave me a number and ask me to go and play it which I did today I’m here shearing a testimony about this same man Dr Ayoola help me to win $10 million dollars all thanks to you Dr I will keep taking about your good because you are a man of your word I hope people that really need this will come across it for you to help them as well. If you want to win big in lottery contact Dr Ayoola today and be rest assured of winning contact him via email drayoolasolutionhome@gmail. com or text or call +14809032128

1 year before

I just want to share my experience with the entire world on how I got my husband back and saved my marriage… I was married for 5 years with 2 kids and I have been living happily with my family until things started getting ugly with me and my husband that leads us to fights and arguments almost every time… it got worse at a point that my husband filed for divorce… I tried my best to make him change his mind & stay with me cause I loved him with all my heart and didn't want to lose my husband but everything just didn't work out… He moved out of the house and still went ahead to file for divorce… I pleaded and tried everything but still nothing worked. The breakthrough came when someone introduced me to this wonderful, great spell caster called Dr Oniha, Who eventually helped me out… I have never been a fan of things like this but just decided to try it because I was desperate and left with no choice… He did the spell for me and things really worked out as he promised and my husband had a change of mind and came back home to stay with me and the kids. And promise never to hurt me again. we are living happily as it was with the help of Dr Oniha. If you are in need of help you can contact Dr Oniha. Website: Call/Whatsapp:+1669223962

Lori J Burns
Lori J Burns
1 year before

It was a dream come through when my ex lover called to apologize for leaving me, And that is willing to do anything to get me back. I was speechless when he was saying all these over the phone because these were my request when i contacted Dr Nana and within the space of 11 hours Dr Nana made it a reality, My advice to anyone out there who is emotionally depressed or having any similar relationship problem, to contact website or WhatsApp +1 (404) 919-5577. Dr Nana, your kindness will never be forgotten.

Lori J Burns
Lori J Burns
1 year before

It was a dream come through when my ex lover called to apologize for leaving me, And that is willing to do anything to get me back. I was speechless when he was saying all these over the phone because these were my request when i contacted Dr Nana and within the space of 11 hours Dr Nana made it a reality, My advice to anyone out there who is emotionally depressed or having any similar relationship problem, to contact website or WhatsApp +1 (404) 919-5577. Dr Nana, your kindness will never be forgotten.

Alora Rivas
Alora Rivas
1 year before

My boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me last week. I wasn’t eating and i wasn’t talking to anybody, I cried a lot, I was so depressed and stressed out that I ended up in the hospital because of all the stress and depression. One day as i was searching online on getting love tips because I Love & care about him deeply and I just want us to be together as a couple again. I found a powerful man Called Ilekhojie that he solved so many relationship problem…… so i contacted him and explain everything to him, then Dr Ilekhojie told me he will come back to me within 48hrs after after he helps me with a reconciliation spell. It worked perfectly as he promised and David retured and started asking for me to accept him back. Am so happy now that Dr Ilekhojie has done as he promised. Contact Dr Ilekhojie as his 100% guaranteed and effective. Email him at ( WhatsApp +2348147400259

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